This cat randomly, (seriously, it was out of nowhere), and sent me his verse over one of the tracks from my beat tape. and damn this kid murdered it. THAT track, along with 17 other tracks, (as well as another track he used from the beat tape,) Is now available for your ears to jerk off on. Enter Phaze Write - The Come Up
take away his eyes no, that'll only make him listen, make him feel past his environment, make him overlook the horizon and discover what's beyond it, his mind will intensify, his remaining senses inclining, and and he will see with no eyes. put a brick wall in front of his blind sight he will work his way around it, over it, or under it, and he will not break
take away his ears no that'll make him see with no discrimination, the world turning revolving and evolving in his position, he will observe, absorb, and understand with a limitless mind. he will hear no evil nor good, leaving his limits behind flying over the neutral grounds of wisdom, and he will not break
take away his strength? no no for his mind will just grow more powerful beyond its limits, his intellect will just compensate and work its way through the laws physics, arithmetic punches and verbal lashings that could destroy a person in pieces, and he will think and create and destroy soley through his intellect reaching beyond the high infinities of gods and he will not break
take away his mind no, for he will only live the simple life of ignorant bliss, his own stupidity nurturing him from the world's cruel abyss, his soul maintained in the innocence of morality unaware of mortality his brain will just gain back it's loss of knowledge and he will not break
so how do you break a man?
you break his heart the heart that lets him see beyond sight, makes him listen beyond sound, keeps him strong beyond limit, makes him think beyond knowledge.
you take away his heart's passion, the greatest thing his mind, soul and body revolves in, the definition of his humanity and crush it right between his watered eyes, and he will not dare seek anything ever again. and you break his fucking heart
leave him stranded alone in an ocean created by hope with nothing but the company of loneliness, its soulless whisper of misery will be the only sound he will hear, and he will wish he could rip his own ears out, and you break his fucking heart
push him and leave him falling in the bottomless pits of hopeless love, craving for that one hand that could save him from his fate, and he will be weak and pathetic. his strength will be no avail and its uselessness will only cause him to generate more hate. and you break his fucking heart
cage him in the darkness alone with the monster called his mind, and it will chew him alive with the jaws of self-hate and regret, his every second filled with the visions of the past with no love to keep him warm in the coldness of memory. and you break his fucking heart
how do you break a man ... you break him while falling in love falling... falling... broken..
Caged in your sleep may the great beasts bless and protect you always the bears of loving kindness the wise Blakean tigers of wrath & the horses of instruction Dream untroubled by paradox of proportion - the ladybug bigger than the cat the mouse as large as the elephant & wearing pants In their all-forgiving silence may they love you in ways we fail to these friends of first refuge the peaceable kingdom where the lion lies down with the lamb
The homie egotron (and friends) gives birth to some knowledge one time for your mind, ya digg??? my boy goes at it with some soulful words for that special lady ;)
Because all I’m doing is trying to map her soul so that I can find my way through the most complex regions of her mind and her heart with the use of a compass I refer to as…her words.