please dont ever reffer to me as such:
- Hipster
- why?
- because i dont wear the skinny jeans
- i dont like to listen to suburban kids trying to act high class
- i dont think im better than other people coz i think im a rather "fashionable" person
- i dont have a beard
- i dont wear brightly colored rimmed sun glasses
- as much as i love vans, the only reason i wear them is because they are uberly comfortable and cheap.
- i dont like listening to surburban middle to higher class kids and their so-called "hipster music"
- american apparel bores me
- retail in general bores me
- fashion makes me uncomfortable
- why?
- because i dont wear hyped up shit
- i only have limited amount of shirts
- my shoes dont cost more than $70
- i think jordans are overrated
- i am stupid when it comes to sneakers
- i know what YOUR shirt means based on my OWN knowledge regarding it
- i.e. "No such things as halfway crooks"... if you have a shirt that has that quote, and doesnt know shit about its history,.... im reffering to you
- "swag" is a word i hate with a passion
- YOUR swag... aint worth shit
- i can back my talk with talent, so in a way, if i do dress like a hypebeast, its not that i belong to the same category as them, i belong in the category the are hyping about.
- i dont think lil wayne is the best rapper alive
so why do i refuse to be labeled as these things?
ive got way better things to do than to waste time on whatever hypebeasts and hipsters are focused at.
Preach on bruh!